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  1. This really brought alot of clarity to me. Much needed for Me to read. I was listening to this preacher, preach earlier today and he came from 1Kings 1-14 in the bible and he was talking about transitioning between Elisha and Elijah and he said the word (convergance) and I look it up to see wat it meant and it was talking about things coming together and you being focus as well as going through changes which led Me to you and I read every word and it blew my mind as well as reading your 4 signs to infinite blueprint. I thank you so much for this it open up so much understanding for Me.Ringing in the ears, losing friends, having so many dreams not understanding them. Ypu are my conformation to focus and trust the process as well my Sister also told me I was goin through a transition. Thank you once again blueprint. God Bless..

  2. This gave me some clarity on what I’ve been going through through within the last year and continuing I’ve quit my job relocated to a different city broken off a relationship I was engaged in left my family friends and belongings and after reading this confirmed what it is that is happening and supposed to be IM GOING WITH THE FLOW TRUSTING THE PROCESS.. thank you for the spiritual information and insight LOVE,PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO YOU!

    1. Wow, that is a lot of changes for you Eric. Yes, everything is happening for your highest good to move you to the place you are meant to go. Thanks so much for sharing and for your kind words.

      I wish you peace and happiness as well πŸ’›

  3. Great article, thank you – brought a lot of clarity with the current contraction of energy & depression I’m experiencing. God asked me to surrender & trust – I said yes & now moving through the letting go / grieving process to release the old & clear space for the new.

  4. Now this made so much sense to me I sent it off to two other friends who said the same thing. Especially feeling as if the Law of Attraction isn’t working. I was wondering what I was doing wrong. Ha! Nothing! I will work more on going with the flow and not worrying so much.

    Thank you for publishing this.

  5. Thank you ! I felt like i was going backwards and wondered, whats going on with me till i found this..☺️ It all made sense to me… and through all of this my ears are ringing like crazy! And yes! I had them checked by my dr lol ☺️ I have been wanting this to happen for a long time , im very excited.

    1. I’m glad it helped Deborah! I find many symptoms our bodies experience are there to tell us something and/or get our attention. I’m glad you got them checked because it’s good to be sure but most of the time they are trying to bring something to our awareness. Ringing in the ears could be downloads, a shift to a different frequency and information from your angels/guides (or whatever you like to call them.) I’m excited for you as well! Be sure to pay attention to the things you hear as ringing in the ears could be a sign to listen for guidance around you and to listen to your own inner voice. I know it can be confusing when you are in the middle of it but also quite exciting as the pieces start to come together after your transition!

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