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    1. Hi Maria, Thanks for your comment. Yes, they definitely communicate with us through our dreams as well! We are more open to their guidance then, so we can more easily receive the information.

  1. Rich Martini who has done studies for years on the spirit world found that Spirit Guides actually will not help us at all! He says his research proves we are all here to suffer and that we choose the ways we suffer and that our guides are aware of this and will not change a thing! Well that sure explains why every time I call on my guides not only do they ignore me but often things get worse!!

    1. Hi Patrick, thanks for the comment.

      I respect your opinion and that Rich guy you mentioned (I’m not sure who he is).

      I do agree that we choose certain experiences but I don’t think they are meant for us to suffer. I personally think they are here to help us expand our consciousness.

      All as I can say is that hasn’t been my experience with my guides at all. They’ve always been very loving and helpful to me and I’ve even had a lot of fun with them. They don’t always give me exactly what I need or do things exactly the way I’d like but when that happens, I know it isn’t for my highest good for it to happen a certain way.

      I don’t really know how he would measure that and prove that?

      I’ve also found their signs to be very subtle. Often, we don’t even know if they are signs from them or if they are coming from us? Since they’ve been around us our whole lives, the information may seem like it’s coming from us.

      Patrick, have you taken any classes or practised connecting with the spiritual realm? I found those things were really helpful to me when first starting to connect with them. Just a suggestion, as I’ve found them to be quite helpful for me.

      1. Yes I have done several guide meditations. I have asked for signs for years and never had any come. And I have asked for things that I have always wanted badly in my life and not only do they not come but it seems like the universe goes out of its way to keep me from things that will finally bring me happiness! I mean my goodness even just basic things that most people get without trying as well as some slightly big things , certain things that I have wanted my whole life and at 49 I am clearly never going to have even one desire ever come true no matter how hard I try.

        Then I read this Rich Martini and find out that for many years he has found out from thousands of people who all say the same thing. That we are here as part of a spiritual play and they all chose to experience bad and even horrible things and that guides will not deter this or help us or bring us desires because it goes against the roles we chose to play for some reason. Which explains why I have been doomed my whole life! And that seems to explain why others who try stuff with guides end up very disappointed as well which is a shame I know how horrible it feels

        1. Sorry to hear that Patrick, that isn’t a good feeling. We are shifting into a new 5D reality where things are changing. I do think our spirit guides are helping us to get there faster but it’s a super long process. From my understanding, we will be able to learn things in a much more loving way. It is basically bringing us from fear to love and shifting our reality as we know it.

          I got much of this information from a book I read called “Bringers of the Dawn” by Barbara Marciniak. It was awhile ago that I read it, but it explains a bit about how our world changed from what it was originally supposed to be. It talks about dark beings who changed our world and how we are here to bring the light back and move away from fear. We are all here right now to help shift our world into a new light filled one.

          They say earth is a master school and that only the strongest come here for the experience. But, if we can shift from fear to love we really can change our own reality and the reality of the world.

          Sometimes changing our reality comes from really digging deep and trying to uncover deep rooted beliefs. For example, many people feel worthy and therefore they don’t attract the things they want because they feel they don’t deserve them and they aren’t good enough. So, they have to find a way to feel deserving. There are many ways that can be done depending on the person and their situation. Your spirit guides may be trying to help you find what it is that you need in order to move forward. But they do it in the way that is best for you even though it may not seem that way.

          I used to stay stuck in situations I wasn’t happy in because it was giving me some sortof benefit. For example, I was stuck at a job I didn’t like because it was my comfort zone and I didn’t want to feel uncomfortable by paving a new way. I was so used to feeling miserable that I made that my reality and it was hard to break free from that comfort level. I didn’t even know that it was possible to feel the way I now do. I would get in my car in the morning and scream because I was so miserable. My guides were giving me all sorts of ways to quit but I was so scared. Finally, I decided it was ok to feel slightly uncomfortable and I trusted in my path that I left. Basically by overcoming that fear I was able to find a much better path for me.

          I invite you to really dig deep (even if it feels uncomfortable) and see if there is a belief that is holding you back from receiving your desires. Think about what you want and how it makes you feel to receive it? If it feels uncomfortable then break it down, why does it feel uncomfortable? For example, does it make you feel vulnerable and afraid of getting hurt? Once you can uncover the belief, then you can work through it to overcome it.

          I hope that helps! It’s a lot of information, just some suggestions that came to me as I was replying.

          1. Thanks but I am the opposite. I am always trying hard to change things for the better and leave jobs all the time looking for one that will finally get me what I want. same with where I live and other things i go after them and the universe keeps fighting me on getting all the things I want and DO deserve. I keep doing my part but everything else keeps getting in the way even though I think its impossible to be stopped I am so sure of things and yet somehow bad things happen instead

              1. Thanks and I will keep trying. I just have to get my guides to stop blocking my desires so I can finally have what I want. I just have to find out how to get the guides from stopping my joy but Rich says we cant which explains why no matter what i do I can win so it seems hopeless now

  2. I’m sorry to hear they’ve been silent.

    Another good way to work with them is through mediation. Do a meditation where you basically meet up with them and see if you can get any insights. Doing this often will also strengthen the bond between you two.

    Yes!! Assume they are working behind the scenes on your behalf and that they hear you. I speak out loud and sometimes silently to mine ALL the time!! Any request, they will go to work and are always waiting to help. I know sometimes it can seem like they aren’t there and they aren’t helping and it’s one of those things that doesn’t always come with evidence; but if you keep communicating with them, you WILL see signs and how they help. Many things that have happened to me, I could assume were just a coincidence. But I can see that trusting my intuition (which is one way they communicate) led me to a specific thing and I know they’ve helped to bring me that somehow. They can also talk to other people’s spirit guides and work together to help you manifest. For example, if two people are supposed to meet, both the individuals spirit guides will work together to bring them together.

    1. Thanks. I have been doing spirit guide meditations as well as asking for signs as well as asking for some much needed desires. The same desires I have been asking for over the last 20 years in many cases and still no desires and also still no signs from them at all. Maybe I am one of those who does not have guides or they just dont give a darn about me so I am on my own I dont know what else too possible think at this point. But I tried at least

      1. I hope you begin to see some evidence soon. That is a long time to wait for your desires. There’s many other factors that come into manifesting our desires as well such as limiting beliefs, past life stuff, energy alignment, etc. I’ve found spirit guides to be more like a guide than bringing our desires straight to us. They know the experiences we wanted to have before we came here so they help to keep us on the track in order to experience them. With that being said they can help us to break through our limiting beliefs, find what our soul seeks and find happiness by guiding us to certain things. That’s where following your intuition is important. They can whisper in your ear “go this way” and it may sound like your voice but can be coming from them.

        I hope that helps Paul! I wish you the best of luck and I hope you begin to see some of your manifestations take form and more evidence of help from your spirit guides.

  3. i dont get signs from them like others do nor do i get any of my many much needed desires. In fact things have become worse! I read that guides love to give us signs they are with us and deliver our desires yet mine love to do the opposite! Screw it I was better off without them!

    1. Thanks for the comment Paul. I found their signs to be quite subtly unless you ask for a bigger sign. Often they work behind the scenes and we don’t always see how they are helping us. But I feel your frustration, I’ve been there at times as well! I’ve found if I start talking to them for a day or two I get big signs. Signs that are undeniably from them. My suggestion is to ask them for big signs so that you know 100% that it is from them. They also work through our intuition and if we feel something is right or wrong it is a good idea to trust that voice/feeling.

      1. Thanks. And I have talked to them for a few weeks now and asked for really big signs that would leave no doubt and so far nothing. I just keep trying

      2. Also aside from asking for a sign that Im not getting I keep asking for a list of desires I need so should I assume they hear me and are working on them and somehow these will come to me? Thanks

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